Welcome to your Village Clerk’s Office
The Village Clerk’s Office is overseen by the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer. Duties of this position include providing overall direction, coordination and control of the day to day activities and operations of the Village, oversight and coordination of the activities of all village departments. Click here to see a schedule of fees for the Clerk’s Office.
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer: Suzanne Canell
Email: SCanell@village.williamsville.ny.us
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4 PM
Phone: (716) 632-4120
Additional Services
Prepare agendas and minutes for Village Board meetings
Oversight of Village elections
Budget preparation and filing with NYS
Tax preparation and collection
Records management – maintain control of all records, including Village Board minutes, committee minutes, capital projects, easements, election, legal documents, etc.
Respond to Freedom of Information Requests
- Handle all resident inquiries, or refer to the appropriate village official or department head
Issue Mayor’s permits, park shelter permits, snow plow permits, etc.
Coordination of events on Island Park
Hire and oversee pool attendants
Act as Registrar of Vital Statistics and maintain all related documents
Oversee Bonding
Prepare and have legal notices printed
Filing of Local Laws